4 Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer That Are Often Overlooked:

4 Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer That Are Often Overlooked:

Lung cancer can be difficult to detect in the early stages, as symptoms are sometimes not shown. However, there are still some warning signs of lung cancer that can appear earlier on. Thankfully, if you or your loved one does get diagnosed with lung cancer, there are multiple treatment options to consider.

For starters, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy are all viable treatments for lung cancer and can be completed in combination if healthcare professionals see fit. Surgery, too, is another way to treat lung cancer. Medications are also treatments to consider, some of which include Opdivo and Yervoy immunotherapy, Zepzelca, Alecensa, Rybevrant, and ROS1 tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) or ROS1 inhibitor. Of course, which treatment is provided depends on the type and severity of the lung cancer, along with a variety of other factors. However, before any treatment plan can be selected and administered, it’s important to know about the early warning signs of lung cancer that are often overlooked. Keep reading to learn more:

1. Unexplained weight loss
If you find that you or your loved one is losing weight with no identifiable cause, it can be beneficial to speak with a medical professional. While losing weight can be tied to a variety of illnesses—both mental and physical—it can also be an early warning sign of lung cancer. As such, if you suspect that you or your loved one may have lung cancer, keep an eye on weight loss that occurs without any sort of dietary change or other explainable cause.

2. Persistent coughing
While persistent coughing can result from various illnesses and lifestyle choices, from a common cold to a smoker’s cough, it can also be an early warning sign of lung cancer. Although there are a variety of reasonable explanations for a cough that refuses to die down, if you notice that you or your loved one is coughing up blood or blood-tinged sputum—especially if the cough is growing in intensity—it’s likely time to consult with a medical professional. Likewise, a chronic cough that exists already but changes can also be an early indication of lung cancer.

3. Wheezing
If you or your loved one is experiencing a wheezing sound when breathing—or, alternatively, a whistling sound—then speaking to a medical professional might be in order. This wheezing or whistling sound can actually be an early sign of lung cancer, and it could be occurring because of a tumor obstructing the body’s airways. However, even if the cause of the wheezing or whistling noise is not lung cancer, it’s still important to speak with a healthcare professional, as this noise can be caused by another lung disease or asthma.

4. Chest pain
Chest pain—along with back and shoulder pain—can be an early warning sign of lung cancer, especially if this pain worsens when laughing, coughing, or deep breathing. Still, chest pain can result for a multitude of reasons, from indigestion to a heart attack. If you feel that you or your loved one’s chest pain is a cause for concern, then it’s important to consult with a licensed professional.