5 Flea Repellent Recipes to Try at Home

5 Flea Repellent Recipes to Try at Home

Fleas are a regular nuisance in your pet’s life, and most often, you have to resort to some extreme measure to tackle the scourge. But there are a few simple homemade DIY recipes that you can explore to create a flea repellent spray made with basic household ingredients. These topical applications and oral formulas can safely help prevent an infestation.

1. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a versatile ingredient that can be used topically and ingested safely to control a flea outbreak. You can pour a few drops of the cider in your pet’s drinking water to help restore their skin’s pH balance internally. Also, add a few drops of the vinegar to some warm water with a pinch of salt to make your DIY flea spray that can be safely used on the pet’s coat. Don’t overspray and leave your pet soaking wet. Apply a rough coat in and around their fur and check for any signs of irritation once done.

2. Lemon water
Some fresh lemon and a jug of water are all you need to make a simple DIY flea spray repellent at home. If your dog loves to spend time outdoors, then use this spray daily to ensure fleas don’t infest under the coat. There are no harmful side effects of using this fresh homemade spray. Add a few slices of lemon to water and let the liquid absorb the citric essence overnight. Use an ordinary spray bottle that will allow you to coat your pet’s fur evenly.

3. Witch hazel spray
Not all sprays need to be used directly on your pets. Some can be used to sterilize your living quarters to prevent fleas from infesting permanently. All you need to do is mix some white vinegar, witch hazel, water, and lemon juice in a large spray bottle and douse windows, doors, all furniture, and carpets with the solution. This DIY flea repellent will prevent the larvae from growing. Ensure your dog is nowhere nearby while doing this, as ingesting witch hazel can upset their stomach.

4. Cedar or lemongrass oil spray
Some essential oils with a light essence, like cedar or lemongrass, are also excellent ingredients that can be used to mix with water and make a DIY spray. Ensure that your pets are not allergic to any essential oils before trying out the remedy.

5. Coconut oil mixed with essential oils
Some dogs may not like sprays, so try mixing coconut oil with peppermint, lavender, or lemon essential oil to create a lotion instead. Fleas hate coconut oil because of its pungent smell. Moreover, it is a nontoxic, noninvasive, easy-to-apply oil that you can massage generously on your pet’s fur coat.