8 Immune-Boosting Foods to Combat Cold and Flu

8 Immune-Boosting Foods to Combat Cold and Flu

When you are down with a cold or flu, you might lose your appetite. However, eating is an essential part of healing from any illness. This is because the body needs vitamins, minerals, and energy to fight the sickness. When it comes to colds and flu, several foods help provide energy as well as alleviate symptoms. Consuming these foods can help resolve the cold or virus sooner and even prevent it from happening frequently.
So, let’s have a look at what foods kill cold.

1. Ginger
This little root has several properties to help aid cold and flu. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate inflammation and symptoms of a cold. One can use ginger to make teas, smoothies, or soups. Each of these can be consumed to fight off the cold.

2. Chicken soup
Freshly made hot chicken soup works wonders for cold. It clears the nasal passages, soothes the throat, and alleviates congestion. Moreover, it also helps keep the body hydrated. One can also substitute chicken with vegetables or beef broth.

3. Green tea
Freshly brewed green tea is one of the best things to have during a cold. It works as an excellent decongestant and helps keep one hydrated. Other herbal teas such as chamomile are also beneficial to manage a cold. These teas also boost one’s immunity and help aid sleep at night.

4. Eggs
Eggs are a superfood when it comes to aiding a cold. The yolks are nutrient-dense and help boost the immune system. They are also rich in vitamin D and help prevent getting infected by a cold. They provide one with energy during cold. Its important element, called zinc, helps alleviate symptoms.

5. Garlic
Garlic has been used to alleviate cold for centuries. It reduces symptoms and prevents one from getting sick. Several studies have been carried out to determine the effects of garlic on cold and flu; however, more evidence is necessary to confirm its effectiveness. Nonetheless, garlic is harmless, and a few extra cloves don’t do any harm.

6. Greek yogurt
Probiotics help fight off colds. Moreover, they can also help prevent cold, flu, and viral sickness. Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics, even more than regular yogurt. People who consume greek yogurt or foods that contain probiotics tend to develop colds less frequently than those who don’t consume them at all.

7. Green veggies
Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale are excellent sources of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain fibers that help with digestion. Eating these foods during a cold may help heal quicker and, if consumed daily, it can prevent the onset of a cold.

8. Spices
Spices such as cayenne peppers and chili peppers improve symptoms of a cold. They contain an element called capsaicin, an active component that produces heat. Consumption of these spices clears off congestion, soothes the sinuses, and unblocks nasal passages. Certain spices like turmeric also contain anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate symptoms.