Hepatitis C – Risk Factors and Prevention

Hepatitis C – Risk Factors and Prevention

Hepatitis C is a viral liver infection that is caused by the hepatitis C virus. The symptoms begin to show only after two to six weeks after one has contracted the virus. The common symptoms are jaundice, nausea, and loss of appetite. The hepatitis C virus is transmitted via the blood or fluids of an infected person. The article attempts to shed light on how hepatitis C spreads and some ways to avoid it.

Risk factors of Hepatitis C

1. Sharing needles
Reusing or sharing needles used by a person infected with hepatitis C greatly increases one’s risk of developing the condition. This is because needles expose one directly to the bodily fluids of another person. Even sharing cigar pipes can expose one to the hepatitis virus, as even a small trace of blood is sufficient to cause the disease.

2. Unsterilized medical equipment
Medical equipment, such as syringes or vials, can be contaminated with an infected person’s blood if not cleaned properly. Moreover, inadequate sanitation and unclean surfaces can also result in contraction. Therefore, lack of regular cleaning, sanitation, and reuse of needles and syringes in a medical institution can lead to an outbreak of the hepatitis C virus.

3. Unclean tattoo and piercing settings
Hepatitis C can be caused if tattoos and piercings are conducted in an unclean setting, wherein the needles are not replaced or appropriately disinfected, and the surfaces are not sanitized. Most professional tattoo and piercing parlors now adhere to safety standards; however, cheap quality tattoos and tattoos that are done at home can put one at risk.

4. Unprotected sex
Engaging in sexual activity without using a protective barrier can lead to contamination. Although the risk is significantly lower, there is still a possibility, and thus, one must use protection at all times.

5. Childbirth
If the mother has hepatitis C when the baby is born, the child may get the condition too. Although this is very rare, it is a possibility. The virus cannot be contracted via breast milk or touching, hugging, and kissing.

Prevention of hepatitis C
Here are some ways in which one can prevent Hepatitis C:

1. Avoid sharing needles
Avoid using any surgical equipment or syringes that were previously used by somebody else. Avoid visiting low-grade tattoo studios and borrowing tattoo equipment used by friends. Always ensure that the tattoo studio you visit is clean, sanitized, and uses a new needle.

2. Avoid sharing personal belongings
Personal belongings such as razors, nail clippers, and toothbrushes may contain traces of blood on them. Therefore, one must avoid sharing these with anybody else. In addition, one must always wash their hands with soap and water and dispose of sanitary products like tissues, tampons, and pads appropriately.

3. Be careful
Always cover up any wounds or bruises correctly to avoid infecting others. Take medication on time to help manage the condition. Inform any new sexual partners about the condition and use barriers to help prevent the contamination.