Healthy Lifestyle Habits for PAH Patients

Healthy Lifestyle Habits for PAH Patients

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) refers to increased blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries and capillaries. Additionally, the arteries narrow down, interrupting the blood flow to the lungs, heart, and other body parts. This condition builds more pressure, which demands the heart to work harder to pump blood. The added pressure can weaken the heart over time and can even lead to heart failure. 

Here are some lifestyle changes that help manage PAH.

1. Exercise
A PAH patient may experience shortness of breath while doing simple tasks around the house. However, a regular fitness regime will help maintain the health of the lungs and heart. Exercising is also a great way to induce the body with oxygen. However, avoid weight-lifting and other strenuous exercises that could put excessive pressure on the lungs. And one must also not overdo exercises; a simple fitness routine should suffice.

2. Maintain healthy eating habits
PAH patients must steer clear of saturated fats and trans fat as they can further block the arteries. Every doctor will recommend a patient to maintain a healthy diet and avoid foods like butter, oil, cheese, and excess salts to keep the heart working at its best.

3. Quit smoking
Smoking is a big no-no for patients with this condition. It can cause far more damage to the lungs than one can imagine. It can reduce the capacity of the lungs, which is already compromised due to the condition. One must try to consider quitting the habit before the condition aggravates. 

4. Avoid sauna and hot tubs
These may feel therapeutic, but they do more damage than good in the long run. These activities can put more pressure on the heart and the lungs, so it’s best avoided.

5. Get support
Surrounding oneself with people having a similar thought process helps a patient overcome the condition faster than usual. PAH patients can get seek help from a network of support groups that include medical professionals, family, and caregivers. This helps them cope with the condition better. 

6. Quality sleep
Maintaining quality sleep and wake cycle can bring about significant progress in a patient with an illness. It makes them more productive, helps them think and speak clearly, and boosts the person’s overall health. To induce quality sleep, one must have a fixed time to go to bed and wake up at the same time, including the weekends. This practice helps build a sleep cycle, and the body appreciates a fixed sleep routine more than anything else. A patient will see a significant change in their condition.

Every long-term illness can be treated effectively when medical treatments are combined with healthy lifestyle choices. And a lot of work goes into keeping up with a good lifestyle. However, the rewards of the lifestyle changes that help with PAH will completely change one’s life.