4 Effective Treatment Options for Colon Cancer

4 Effective Treatment Options for Colon Cancer

Colon cancer usually develops in the lower end of the digestive tract. However, the disease can spread to other organs via the lymph nodes. Hence, these tumors must be detected in their early stages with several screening tests. In most cases, cancer can be treated locally (if it has not yet spread) or with the help of systemic treatments (after cancer spreads). Oncologists recommend the following surgical and non-surgical treatment options for colon cancer. 1. Chemoradiation For colon cancer, oncologists prefer a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy (chemoradiation) to destroy the tumor cells. Chemoradiation has been proven slightly more effective than just relying on chemotherapy. In this method, different types of oral medications and injections support the radiation treatment. Also, there is a reduced risk of complications, and chemoradiation is often recommended to bring down the risk of a colostomy. 2. Surgery for colon cancer Depending on the stage and extent of the spread, surgery is a viable treatment option for colon or rectal cancer. Early stages of the polyps that develop into tumors can be removed using a simple colonoscopy procedure. There are two types of early-stage surgery: a polypectomy and a local excision. A polypectomy removes the entire tumor by cutting it out from the base.
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Understanding the Link Between Breast Cancer and Genetics

Understanding the Link Between Breast Cancer and Genetics

About 5 to 10 percent of breast cancer cases are hereditary, caused due to abnormal genes. Eight susceptible genes have been identified by medical research, out of which BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the most important and account for 80 percent of hereditary breast cancer cases. In this article, we explain the link between genetics and breast cancer. 1. Risk associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes There are two copies of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes found in every individual, and each copy is derived from one parent. They help repair broken DNA and cell damage, and promote healthy cell formation in the breasts and ovaries. But sometimes, these genes become harmful variants when passed on from generation to generation. Those who inherit these variants become increasingly susceptible to cancer. Women who have these genes are 72 percent more likely to develop breast cancer. In this country, about one in eight women is at risk of developing this condition. Other conditions that increase the risk include a family history of cancer, being over above 55 years, and being of the Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are also at a higher risk of developing other types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma.
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5 Popular Forms of Contraception

5 Popular Forms of Contraception

There are several effective methods of contraception available for both men and women to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Some of these are also effective in preventing the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs). While there are multiple safe options, one should consult their doctor before deciding on a particular form of birth control to make the right choice based on their health and lifestyle.  This article lists some of the safest contraception methods: 1. Condoms Condoms are highly effective for preventing unwanted pregnancies, and they also offer protection from sexually transmitted diseases and infections. These barrier contraceptives are inexpensive and easy to use, and they do not cause any side effects since they are hormone-free. Plus, condoms are available for both men and women, though male condoms are the most popular barrier contraceptive method. A spermicide foam, cream, jelly, or film can also be used along with condoms. 2. Diaphragms and cervical caps These are also non-hormonal barrier methods of contraception. A diaphragm is a flexible cup that is placed in the vagina to prevent the sperm from entering the uterus, while a cervical cap covers the cervix to prevent the sperm and egg from meeting. Cervical caps or diaphragms need to be fitted by a doctor and should ideally be replaced once every year and two years, respectively.
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Cancer – Common Risk Factors and Preventative Measures

Cancer – Common Risk Factors and Preventative Measures

Cancer is not a singular disease but a term used to describe several conditions that may cause cells to multiply rapidly anywhere in the human body. These cells invade healthy tissues in the body and can cause a mutation that cannot be cured. Cancer can also spread throughout the body through the lymphatic (lymph nodes) system or the circulatory system if left unchecked. It helps to know and understand the risks for early diagnosis, possible prevention, and timely treatment. Risk factors for most common types of cancer:  1. Age The body’s immunity and ability to regenerate healthy cells deteriorates with advancing age. The median age for cancer is determined to be 66 years, which means half of the cases are detected among those below 33 years. This includes men, women, and children. 2. Genetic factors Genetics is one of the major risk factors observed among common types of cancer. A family history of people who have suffered from some form of cancer increases the risk for the future generation. Specific genetic syndromes and autoimmune disorders can also trigger cancer among those who are already experiencing symptoms. 3. Lifestyle choices Smoking, chewing tobacco, or consuming alcohol above the recommended limit also increases the risk among young and older people.
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6 Risk Factors of Anemia

6 Risk Factors of Anemia

Anemia occurs when the number of red blood cells circulating in the bloodstream drops significantly. Since these cells carry oxygen from the lungs to different parts of the body, their deficiency can lead to fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats. A variety of factors can interfere with the production of red blood cells, lowering their count. Read on to know some common risk factors of anemia. 1. Diets lacking in essential nutrients Poor diet is one of the most common risk factors of anemia. A diet consistently low in nutrients like iron, vitamin B-12, vitamin C, and folate may likely lead to iron-deficiency anemia or vitamin-deficiency anemia over time. Studies show that malnourished children and adults in poor regions around the world are more prone to the disease. However, any individual whose diet is devoid of essential nutrients is at an increased risk of developing anemia. 2. Intestinal disorders Intestinal disorders often affect the small intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients from foods and drinks into the bloodstream. This inability to absorb nutrients, also known as malabsorption syndrome, can lead to deficiencies of essential nutrients, putting an individual at a higher risk for diseases like anemia. The two common disorders known to cause this problem are celiac disease and Crohn’s disease.
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5 Commonly Asked Questions About Compression Socks for DVT

5 Commonly Asked Questions About Compression Socks for DVT

DVT occurs due to the clotting of blood in veins located deep in the body. These are more common in the thigh region and lower legs. Due to DVT, there will be pain and swelling in the affected area. So doctors recommend compression socks. The benefits of compression socks for DVT are that they reduce swelling, avoid pain, and prevent health complications that may arise later on.  Here are a few frequently asked questions about these socks: 1. What do compression socks look like? One of the main benefits of compression socks for DVT is that these look similar to normal tights or pantyhose. However, unlike normal socks, compression socks are made from different materials. These are usually made from elastic fabric that snugly fits around the thighs, legs, and ankles. The pressure is more around the ankles than the thighs and calves. 2. How do compression socks for DVT work? The compression socks are tight around the ankles, calves, and thighs. This pressure will push the fluids, including blood, in the upwards direction in the leg. As a result, the blood will freely flow from the leg to the heart. This way, the blood circulation in the affected area is improved.
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6 Foods That Soothe Acid Reflux

6 Foods That Soothe Acid Reflux

Occasional acid reflux is quite normal. Overeating, irregular meal times, skipping meals, having spicy food or a heavy meal, or following an unhealthy lifestyle can all trigger heartburn. For most people, the symptoms resolve on their own, but it is essential to watch what you eat if they persist. Some foods can trigger acid reflux, while some others can help ease the symptoms. Here are a few foods to eat to soothe acid reflux. 1. Oatmeal This is one of the best foods to eat to soothe acid reflux symptoms. It has high fiber content that boosts gastrointestinal health, and eating oatmeal will leave you full for longer, keeping mid-meal snack cravings at bay. This helps you avoid overeating and aids weight management, both of which can also cause the LES to relax and the stomach contents to flow up into the esophagus. Additionally, oatmeal can help prevent constipation. 2. Yogurt Nothing beats the soothing effects of yogurt when you’re experiencing acid reflux. Having a few spoons of yogurt will ease the discomfort in the stomach and the esophagus. Plus, yogurt is packed with probiotics or healthy bacteria that keep the gut working smoothly and prevent digestive issues. Also, yogurt has high protein content that improves the body’s ability to digest food.
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Causes and Risk Factors for Melanoma

Causes and Risk Factors for Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of cancer that affects the pigment-producing cells in the skin. It’s the most serious form of skin cancer. Melanomas often begin as a mole and can develop anywhere on the body, especially in parts that are constantly exposed to sunlight. The causes of melanoma are unclear, but there are several factors that make an individual more susceptible to it. Keep reading to learn about the risk factors of melanoma.   1. Ultraviolet (UV) exposure Several studies have concluded that UV radiation plays a crucial role in the development of melanoma. UV radiation from all sources is damaging, be it from the sun or tanning beds. It’s noted that skin cancer is more common among people who spend a lot of time outdoors during the day. Also, getting sunburned several times increases the risk of melanoma. People who live close to the equator and or at higher altitudes are also at higher risk because they usually receive more direct sunlight.  2. Several or unusual moles Moles are often harmless. However, it’s observed that individuals with over 50 moles are more likely to develop melanoma than those with fewer ones. Also, having abnormal-looking moles, known as dysplastic nevi, increases the risk of the disease.
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Home Remedies to Manage a UTI

Home Remedies to Manage a UTI

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that women develop at least once in their lifetime. It could be common among some women to develop it more than once. The biggest trigger of UTI is new sexual partners, poor hygiene, and bladder inconsistency. This condition can be easily treated with OTC antibiotics, and one can also follow some home remedies to get rid of this bacterial disease. This article shares how one can manage symptoms and cure UTI at home. Cranberries Unsweetened cranberries are an efficient way to rid the body of UTI bacteria. They can be eaten as is or in the form of unsweetened juice. It is one of the most efficient ways to cure UTI at home. UTI is a condition that can also trigger infants, and most doctors recommend feeding children cranberries as a preventive measure to combat the bacterial infection. Drink up Loading up on fluids can help flush out the bacteria from the bladder and the urinary tract. Though the patient may want to take multiple trips to the bathroom, this home remedy works perfectly well. Vitamin C Foods and beverages rich in vitamin C help kill the bacteria present in the bladder; hence, it is advised to load up on fruits and veggies that are a rich source of the nutrient.
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Healthy Lifestyle Habits for PAH Patients

Healthy Lifestyle Habits for PAH Patients

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) refers to increased blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries and capillaries. Additionally, the arteries narrow down, interrupting the blood flow to the lungs, heart, and other body parts. This condition builds more pressure, which demands the heart to work harder to pump blood. The added pressure can weaken the heart over time and can even lead to heart failure.  Here are some lifestyle changes that help manage PAH. 1. Exercise A PAH patient may experience shortness of breath while doing simple tasks around the house. However, a regular fitness regime will help maintain the health of the lungs and heart. Exercising is also a great way to induce the body with oxygen. However, avoid weight-lifting and other strenuous exercises that could put excessive pressure on the lungs. And one must also not overdo exercises; a simple fitness routine should suffice. 2. Maintain healthy eating habits PAH patients must steer clear of saturated fats and trans fat as they can further block the arteries. Every doctor will recommend a patient to maintain a healthy diet and avoid foods like butter, oil, cheese, and excess salts to keep the heart working at its best. 3. Quit smoking Smoking is a big no-no for patients with this condition.
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