Hepatitis C – Risk Factors and Prevention

Hepatitis C – Risk Factors and Prevention

Hepatitis C is a viral liver infection that is caused by the hepatitis C virus. The symptoms begin to show only after two to six weeks after one has contracted the virus. The common symptoms are jaundice, nausea, and loss of appetite. The hepatitis C virus is transmitted via the blood or fluids of an infected person. The article attempts to shed light on how hepatitis C spreads and some ways to avoid it. Risk factors of Hepatitis C 1. Sharing needles Reusing or sharing needles used by a person infected with hepatitis C greatly increases one’s risk of developing the condition. This is because needles expose one directly to the bodily fluids of another person. Even sharing cigar pipes can expose one to the hepatitis virus, as even a small trace of blood is sufficient to cause the disease. 2. Unsterilized medical equipment Medical equipment, such as syringes or vials, can be contaminated with an infected person’s blood if not cleaned properly. Moreover, inadequate sanitation and unclean surfaces can also result in contraction. Therefore, lack of regular cleaning, sanitation, and reuse of needles and syringes in a medical institution can lead to an outbreak of the hepatitis C virus.
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6 Ways to Naturally Manage Excessive Sweating

6 Ways to Naturally Manage Excessive Sweating

People who sweat too much often find it embarrassing due to the odor and stains on their clothing. The good news is that several factors influence the production of sweat and there are ways to control it. These factors are mostly simple things like clothing and food, but they play quite a significant role when it comes to sweat. Let’s look at simple things one can do to manage excessive sweating. 1. Wearing Breathable Fabrics Wearing comfortable and breathable fabrics such as cotton and silk can help reduce sweat. This is because the tight fabric, especially under the arm can cause the body to sweat more and result in sweat stains on clothes. Wearing loose clothes allows the body to cool down and reduce sweating. 2. Eating Foods That Reduce Sweating Food plays an important role in the way your body releases sweat. On consumption of foods that do not interfere with the digestive or nervous system, the body tends to sweat less. These foods include dairy, almonds, and bananas. Other such foods include fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water, such as watermelon, cucumber, and red cabbage. 3. Avoiding Foods That Increase Sweating Just like foods that prevent sweat, consuming certain foods tends to increase the amount of sweat produced by the body.
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Major Differences Between Nasal Polyps and Sinusitis

Major Differences Between Nasal Polyps and Sinusitis

People often get confused between nasal polyps and sinusitis. This is because when it comes to their symptoms, both these conditions tend to seem very similar. Moreover, they also tend to cause similar problems in the long run. Nonetheless, they differ from each other in various ways. In this article, we will be discussing each of these conditions and how they vary from one another. 1. What are nasal polyps? Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths that happen in the lining of the nostrils or sinuses. They occur due to certain conditions such as infections, asthma, and immunity disorders. Nasal polyps can block the nasal passages, resulting in difficulty breathing and smelling. These growths can be removed using medication; however, they may still return after treatment. Larger, more stubborn growths are removed using surgery. Nasal polyps can occur in people of all ages. However, they are mostly seen in middle-aged or older people. The symptoms may not be noticeable when the polyps are small in size. Larger growths may cause symptoms such as loss of taste and smell, headache, nose bleeds, and stuffiness. The symptoms may be similar to sinusitis and common cold and, thus, confusing to diagnose. 2. What is sinusitis?
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Cervical Cancer – Common Risk Factors and Stages

Cervical Cancer – Common Risk Factors and Stages

Cancer is an umbrella term used to describe diseases caused due to the growth and multiplication of abnormal cells in the body. Cervical cancer occurs in the cells of the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that is connected to the vagina. In this article, we shall focus on understanding the risk factors and stages associated with cervical cancer. Risk factors of cervical cancer Risk factors can increase an individual’s chances of developing certain diseases. Since there is no exact cause for cancer, individuals can try to lower their risk of developing cervical cancer by understanding the various risk factors associated with this condition. 1. Immune system deficiency Individuals who have weak immune systems are at higher risk of developing cervical cancer. Lowered immune systems could be genetic or even caused due to certain medications that suppress the immune system. 2. Smoking Smoking is harmful to the overall health of the body; it can increase the chances of developing cervical cancer. Some studies have shown that women who smoke are twice as more likely to develop cervical cancer, but more research is required to understand the relation between the two. 3. Human papillomavirus (HPV) One of the most common causes of cervical cancer is getting infected with HPV.
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3 Treatment Options for MS

3 Treatment Options for MS

Multiple Sclerosis(MS) is a degenerative condition that affects the brain and spinal cord. The condition is lifelong and can lead to a wide range of other health troubles. Common symptoms of MS include tremors, troubles with vision, and even loss of balance. Unfortunately, there is no cure for MS. Treatment options that are available only focus on slowing down the progression of MS or on speedy recovery after flares. Read on to know more about the three common treatment options for multiple sclerosis. 1. Disease-modifying medications Individuals who suffer from the relapse-remitting type of MS are usually treated with disease-modifying medications. This course of treatment focuses on slowing down the advance of the disease while preventing flare-ups. It works by suppressing the body’s immune system so that it does not attack the protective coating of the nerves. Common disease-modifying medications are as follows. Beta Interferons: Beta Interferons are most commonly prescribed to treat MS. They are typically injected just under the skin or into the muscle. They help with tackling both the frequency and severity of MS attacks. Common side effects of beta interferons include flu-like symptoms and soreness at the site of injection. Liver damage is also a common side effect of this condition.
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The 5 Best U.S. Cities for Living With Respiratory Issues

The 5 Best U.S. Cities for Living With Respiratory Issues

Asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory problems. People of all ages are susceptible to the condition, and the environment that they live in has a huge impact on it. The air quality, smoke, and pollen count in the surrounding air can all act as triggers that aggravate asthma symptoms. This article talks about some of the best U.S. cities for people with respiratory problems. 1. Abilene, Texas Abilene placed a ban on smoking in workplaces and other public places back in 2006. That, combined with the latest results of the city’s low number of asthma patients, makes it one of the best U.S. cities for respiratory problems. It also means lesser flare-ups for people with asthma. 2. Boise, Idaho Boise is one of the cleanest U.S cities for people with respiratory problems to reside. The city is among those with the cleanest air and has a very low pollen count. The air pollution level in Boise is lower than that in most other cities in the country. In addition to that, the city also has a widespread network of asthma specialists, making it easier for patients to receive timely treatments instead of having to be rushed to the ER.
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6 Tips to Prevent Cold Sores

6 Tips to Prevent Cold Sores

Cold sores are small blisters that are usually seen on the lips or around the mouth. These are also known as fever blisters. These lesions are filled with fluid and may or may not be painful. They are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. The infection doesn’t show many noticeable symptoms at first and is particularly common in children. Since the infection spreads through contact, it is essential to prevent it by following these preventive tips: 1. Keep clean When trying to avoid getting an infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), or trying to prevent the spread of cold sores, it is important to keep things clean. If there are kids in the house, make sure the infected person does not come in contact with the toys, and that they are cleaned thoroughly. There is a huge chance that the kids might contact it through some infected fluid on their toys. 2. Avoid extreme climates Cold sores are often seen on or around the mouth in a spot that tingles, burns, itches, and generally causes discomfort. The condition is aggravated if the person is exposed to extreme temperatures. It is advised to stay away or stay sheltered in case of extreme freezing or very hot temperatures.
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Effective Treatment Options for Pancreatic Cancer

Effective Treatment Options for Pancreatic Cancer

Cancer treatment depends on the growth, spread, and location of cancer cells and the patient’s medical history, current health, and preference for a treatment plan. A cancer treatment plan usually combines various types of treatment and includes more than one health care professionals. The same holds for pancreatic cancer. This article discusses the common treatment options for pancreatic cancer. 1. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is one of the common treatment options for pancreatic cancer. It involves the administration of strong medications to kill cancerous cells. Several medications can be used in chemotherapy, and doctors may suggest using a single medicine or a combination of more than one, depending on the patient’s condition. For people with advanced-stage pancreatic cancer, chemotherapy helps relieve some symptoms and control the growth rate of tumors. That said, it can also cause side effects. 2. Radiation therapy Radiation therapy uses high-frequency radiation, like X-rays and/or protons, to destroy the cancerous cells. It can be external or internal radiation therapy. The former is more commonly used and involves a machine shooting beams targeted at specific regions of the body, while the latter involves placing a radioactive substance inside the body to emits radiation and kill cancer cells. 3. Chemoradiation As the name suggests, chemoradiation is a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
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Understanding the Diagnosis and Treatment for Dry Eyes

Understanding the Diagnosis and Treatment for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be caused due to multiple reasons. However, since hormonal imbalance is also one of the main factors, the condition is more common in women than in men. It is essential to get it checked and treated before it leads to other complications. This article introduces readers to the diagnostic procedure and the treatment options for dry eyes.  Diagnosis 1. Comprehensive exam A doctor can note down details about the patient’s eye health and take their overall medical history into consideration. An overall general check-up of the patient’s eyes and complete health can also help the doctor determine the possible causative factors. 2. Volume measurement The volume of the tears can be measured with the help of either the Schirmer test or the phenol red thread test. In the former procedure, the doctor places strips of blotting paper under the lower eyelids. These strips are left in place for about five minutes and allowed to soak in tears. The amount of strip soaked lets the doctor determine the volume of the patient’s tears. The second test involves the use of a thread filled with a pH-sensitive dye that changes color on contact with tears. The thread is placed on the lower eyelid for 15 seconds, and then the volume is measured.  3.
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5 Natural and Alternative Remedies for ED

5 Natural and Alternative Remedies for ED

Erectile dysfunction is a condition where one is unable to maintain an erection. This is a common condition. However, there are various treatments available. The repetitive occurrence of ED can potentially become a long-term concern. Hence, it is important to consult a doctor to understand the causes of this condition. The reason for ED could vary from person to person; it could either be physical or psychological. Read on to know some natural and alternative remedies for ED. 1. Panax Ginseng This is a popular Chinese and Korean herbal remedy to treat ED. Panax ginseng or red ginseng is called the herbal Viagra in East Asian culture and used for a variety of conditions apart from treating erectile dysfunction. It is used to manage stress, improve stamina and concentration. As per studies, dosage ranging from 600-1000 mg three times a day can help treat ED, as this herb helps improve blood flow in the body. 2. Reduce smoking and alcohol consumption Studies have shown that smoking is a major trigger for ED as it is responsible for reducing the blood flow to the penis. While there is enough evidence to suggest smoking’s harmful effects on the lungs, not many understand its effect on the rest of the body.
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